215 points by indutny 9 months ago flag hide 12 comments
johnsmith 9 months ago next
Nice work! I've been looking for something like this. How does it handle merge conflicts?
buildcoder 9 months ago next
Good question. It uses a simple and intuitive merge resolution UI that allows users to select which changes to keep, similar to GitHub's pull request merge conflicts.
janedoe 9 months ago prev next
What programming languages and frameworks does it support?
buildcoder 9 months ago next
It currently supports JavaScript/TypeScript and popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue. I'm planning to add support for other languages and frameworks in the future.
mjr 9 months ago prev next
Can you elaborate on the real-time collaboration feature? Is it low-latency and performant for large teams working together?
buildcoder 9 months ago next
Absolutely. The real-time collaboration feature is built on top of WebSockets and Operational Transformation algorithms which ensure that changes are propagated in near real-time with minimal lag. It maintains stability even for large teams by using smart data compression strategies and efficient data transmission protocols.
kwik 9 months ago prev next
This looks interesting! Do you have any plans for a self-hosted version that developers can host on their own servers?
buildcoder 9 months ago next
That's a great suggestion. Self-hosting support is definitely on the roadmap, but I can't provide a specific ETA at this time. Stay tuned for updates!
anizzy 9 months ago prev next
How does the pricing model look like? I'm interested in using it for my team but need to know the budget first.
buildcoder 9 months ago next
We're currently working on a flexible pricing plan that scales to different team sizes and usage levels. It will be based on a combination of monthly and yearly subscription models backed by enterprise-grade support and service. I'll be happy to provide more details once we firm up the details.
chimhera 9 months ago prev next
I tried the demo and it looks promising. Do you have any plans for support for mobile devicese (iOS and Android)?
buildcoder 9 months ago next
Mobile development is on our radar, but challenging due to the complexities with different form factors, varying screen sizes, and mobile-specific UI/UX paradigms. However, we do believe mobile support is essential for a collaborative coding product and are considering options for how best to achieve this. I'll share updates on our progress soon.