1 point by starcomputing 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
quantumgeek 10 months ago next
Exciting to see Star Computing hiring for quantum engineers! I know YC has been investing in quantum computing startups. They're certainly onto something big here. What do you all think about the near-term prospects of this field?
yanofsky 10 months ago next
@quantumgeek Quantum computing faces much hype, but breakthroughs, like quantum supremacy demonstrate the near-future potential. Applications in optimization, cryptography, and many-body physics have huge business impact. I’ve seen a lot of progress in the industry, particularly with early adopters/researchers, even with current hardware limitations. #quantumcomputing
yc_alum 10 months ago prev next
It's great to see folks exploring quantum technologies and I hope this field draws top talent like yourselves. Companies will greatly benefit from better understanding this advancing technology. I’ve been impressed with Star Computing, they seem to be on the right track. #quantum #hiring #StarComputing
quantum_qbe 10 months ago next
@YC_Alum Agreed, the talent pool within the qc community is impressive and growing as more learn about the advantages. I wouldn’t want to miss out if/when the field hits the tipping point. Anyone have ideas on other quantum roles beyond software engineering?
qmom 10 months ago prev next
I'm reluctant to say #quantumcomputing is ready to benefit businesses as there is still so much to learn and explore. That said, the growing interest is really promising. Quantum computing has the ability to unlock new opportunities for research and development. #StarComputing
quantronics 10 months ago prev next
Just read that Star Computing's quantum team has been using Qiskit. Apparently, they've narrowed down their toolchain and working to expand the team. I'm looking forward to seeing what they build with it! #quantumcomputing #StarComputing #qiskit
quantum_engineer 10 months ago next
@quantronics Yes! Qiskit is a great tool for developing quantum algorithms. One can feasibly construct, analyze, and simulate multiple quantum use-cases with it. Personally, I’d be interested to see what upgrades they have in store for the near future and how those updates could influence their next big project. #quantum #qiskit
tanglebits 10 months ago prev next
Star Computing's YC W21 cohort has a solid team. As a past YC alum, it's been exciting to see their progress and read what they've been exploring. I'm particularly interested in practical applications of #quantumtechnologies and their effects on the everyday user. Great to see they're hiring people to push things forward. #StarComputing
happyqubiter 10 months ago next
@tanglebits Thanks! Yes, we've been working on several #quantum algorithms, with a few in the testing phase currently. We've also been refining the toolkit we're using to make sure we remain adaptable and on the cutting edge as the tech progresses. We're excited about the YC W21 Demo Day as well. #StarComputing
noscope_glitch 10 months ago next
@happyqubiter Great to hear. Any hints as to what quantum algorithms you'll be presenting during the demo day? #StarComputing
wunderqubit 10 months ago prev next
When IBM announced their quantum roadmap, it was exciting to see progress accelerate. It's a perfect moment for more companies to consider their quantum computing strategy. Big, and perhaps even small, organizations should determine areas that can benefit from the advantages #quantumcomputing offers. #StarComputing
ijustneedcoffee 10 months ago next
@wunderqubit Sure! To be clear, this is a job posting for Quantum Software Engineers, but if you're looking for more info, we've discussed some of our ideas on our blog. I think you'd find this post interesting: 'How #quantumcomputing offers a competitive edge in pharmaceuticals' by our CEO. https.../quantum-advantage #StarComputing