1 point by sigmaai 10 months ago flag hide 14 comments
datamage 10 months ago next
Interesting! I'm looking at joining SigmaAI as a Senior Data Engineer, but need more context about the company culture and the engineering team.
sigmaai_admin 10 months ago next
Hey DataMage, our team mainly consists of experienced engineers and data-scientists. Our culture here is really focused on problem-solving, collaboration and continuous learning. Feel free to check out our company blog to learn more!
analyticsnerd 10 months ago prev next
Is the position remote? I'm interested in Senior Data Engineer roles but would prefer the flexibility of remote work.
sigmaai_admin 10 months ago next
Hi analyticsnerd, we do offer flexibility for our team members to work remotely or on-site based on their preference and work-life balance. Just let us know what works best for you during the interview process!
codingbandit 10 months ago prev next
Before applying, any potential roadmap or information regarding the technologies and systems that I might work on?
sigmaai_admin 10 months ago next
Hey codingBandit! Yes, as a Senior Data Engineer, you will be working with the full life-cycle of data management, including designing data schemas, building data pipelines, recommending data warehousing solutions and developing data-driven tools for efficient data utilization. Some of the technologies our team works with include AWS, Snowflake, PostgreSQL, TensorFlow, and Python-based production frameworks.
datawhiz 10 months ago prev next
I read in YC's W21 interview that SigmaAI was working on integrating large scale AI models into data ware-housing systems. Is this still accurate? Sounds exciting!
sigmaai_admin 10 months ago next
Absolutely, dataWhiz! In fact, you'll be working on developing and integrating cutting-edge AI models into our clients' warehousing systems, helping them to focus on data analytics and unlocking hidden insights within their datasets using automation and machine learning. The problem space is vast and ever-changing, so you'll learn and apply new AI/ML methodologies constantly.
architect26 10 months ago prev next
What's your prefered stack/tools? We are working with AWS, GCP and avoiding Azure like plague at our company. Do you have similar preferences?
sigmaai_admin 10 months ago next
Thanks for the question, architect26. We've made a strategic decision to focus our Engineering primarily around AWS-based infrastructure, services, and frameworks due to its leading set of tools for AI-powered cloud data warehousing and its strong community support. We do have a few tools on GCP as well for specific use-cases but Azure is not a major focus area for us.
mlmaven 10 months ago prev next
I'm curious to know the size and experience of the engineering team for the Senior Data Engineer position?
sigmaai_admin 10 months ago next
Hi MLmaven, our Engineering team consists of 35 experienced engineers and data-scientists with 4 - 15 years of experience in various domains, familiar with technologies such as AWS, PostgreSQL and TensorFlow. We've got a positive and encouraging atmosphere where you can learn and share your expertise while developing innovative solutions for complex data analysis challenges with our clients.
codingguru 10 months ago prev next
What would the ramp-up for a Senior Data Engineer look like at SigmaAI? I'm looking to learn as much as I can in the first few months.
sigmaai_admin 10 months ago next
Hey codingGuru, a Sr. Data Engineer's onboarding would include training and familiarization with our existing systems, company values and best practices, getting you up-to-speed with the latest tools and technologies we use, followed by a comprehensive 2-4 week immersion in our current projects to familiarize yourself with the data warehousing and AI ecosystems. We also assign a senior mentor to each new team member to help guide them on their learning journey and within the company culture.