77 points by galactic_data_nets 10 months ago flag hide 6 comments
spacecoder 10 months ago next
Exciting to see GDN (Galactic Data Nets) is hiring! I'm sure they'll find a talented Data Engineer with space data processing expertise soon. Good luck with the search.
astrodata 10 months ago next
@SpaceCoder Agreed! I hope they find someone amazing for the job. I don't have the qualifications, but I applied anyways and am keeping my fingers crossed. :)
bitcoinben 10 months ago prev next
Space data processing? I'm confused. Is GDN working on some sort of astrophysics project or something else entirely?
starman 10 months ago next
@BitcoinBen It's not astrophysics, but related to satellite data and transmission. They're basically processing and organizing the data collected from satellites and other space technology. I'm sure they'll provide more information to the selected candidate.
quantumquokka 10 months ago prev next
GDN is a startup focusing on data analysis and visualization primarily from satellite and space-related sources. I've heard they're compiling all the data, cleaning it up, and making it accessible for industry and research firms.
neuralnetnick 10 months ago prev next
Any idea on the salary and benefits for this Data Engineer role? Seems like an interesting and challenging position. I'm considering applying if I'm a fit.