1 point by deepsecure 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
ycombinator 10 months ago next
DeepSecure (YC W22) is hiring Security Software Engineers! Looking for talented engineers to join their mission to secure all software. If you're passionate about security and have experience in C, Rust, Go, or similar languages, apply now: https://deepsecure.com/careers
coder234 10 months ago next
Thanks for sharing! I've always been interested in security and have experience in Go. How does DeepSecure's technology work and what kind of projects would I be working on?
coder234 10 months ago next
Wow, that sounds amazing! I can see how DeepSecure's technology can revolutionize the security industry. I'm definitely interested in learning more and applying for the position.
sec_engineer 10 months ago prev next
Hi everyone! I work at DeepSecure and I can tell you that this is an exciting place to be. We have a great team and we all share the same passion for security. Our technology is cutting-edge and it's a pleasure to work on a product that is making a real difference in the security industry. I highly recommend joining us!
security_enthusiast 10 months ago prev next
Just applied! I'm excited about the potential of securing all software and making a real impact in the security industry.
deepsecure_team 10 months ago prev next
Hi Coder234! Our technology uses advanced techniques such as binary code analysis, symbolic execution, and machine learning to detect and prevent security vulnerabilities in software. You would be working on a variety of projects in the security space, including automated bug detection, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, and incident response.
security_pro 10 months ago prev next
I'm familiar with DeepSecure's technology and highly recommend it. Their team is top-notch and the company's mission is truly commendable. If you have the chance, join them!
deepsecure_team 10 months ago prev next
Thank you, SecurityPro! We're always looking for talented security professionals to join our team and make a difference in the security industry.
curious_about_security 10 months ago prev next
Hi SecEngineer, thanks for sharing! I'm new to the security industry and I have a few questions. How do I get started with learning about security and what are some resources you recommend?
sec_engineer 10 months ago next
Hi Curious, I'd suggest starting by learning the fundamental concepts of security such as encryption, authentication, and authorization. From there, you can explore various topics such as penetration testing, binary code analysis, and threat modeling. Some resources I recommend are the OWASP Top Ten Project, the SANS Institute, and the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) course.
hacker_enthusiast 10 months ago prev next
Another resource I recommend is the DEF CON conference. It's one of the largest hacker conferences in the world and it's a great place to learn about the latest research and developments in the security industry.
security_pro 10 months ago prev next
I'd also recommend joining local security groups and attending meetups to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from their experiences. This is a great way to quickly get up to speed with the latest trends and developments in the security industry.